30 May 2005


One Good thing takes apart an article in O magazine, in a post entitled "Only Women Are Allowed to Read This Post".

In my fearless, unceasing search for The Truth, I went ahead and read it anyway. The thrill of forbidden fruit might have made it seemer better and funnier than it really was, but I doubt it. One of the best posts ever.

But it turns out that maybe it wasn't as forbidden as all that. The article in O had a list of things that all men like:

The Godfather movies

I still haven't seen even the first one all the way through, and none at all of the others. I haven't been overly enamored of what I've seen so far. Maybe if I tried watching when I wasn't also reading.


Poker's OK. I'd rather do pub trivia.


Although I still own a car (a '64 Corvair convertible), it's halfway around the world, and I have not driven a vehicle of any kind in more than two years.


Every now and again I can enjoy watching a game, but I have never been able to make myself care about the outcome of any game played by strangers. There is, however, a lot of good sports writing out there.

Steven Seagal movies

If I'm flipping through the channels and see him, I'll make a mental note not to return to that channel.

Swimsuit models

OK, yes, unabashedly, I like swimsuit models. But overall, it seems I'm not really a man.